case study
Peak Performance
aemadeeasy repositioning and marketing

Direct engagement campaign


Brochures and print collateral

Helping accountants rescue clients
When the government introduced auto-enrolment few, it appears, understood the full impact it would have on the accounting profession. AE law is complex and difficult to understand - even for the experts - which meant that a lot of SME managers looked to their accountants for help. The problem was, accountants were as ill-prepared as they were.
aeMadeeasy is a service that solves the problem by automating a large part of the process. Our client Peak Performance had tried numerous approaches to engage accountants,  including email campaigns and cold calling, but with little success. To grab their attention in a way that could not be ignored we just sent them a personally addressed, 2ft long, fire engine red, inflatable lifesaving rescue board. Something that is very hard to miss, even for the most jaded of office dwellers. With the board came a letter of introduction, an information booklet, and a range of client resources. A landing page was built to capture responses.
Within two weeks of deployment, the client reported a contact success rate of more than 40% - up from the less than 5% they had been achieving prior to the campaign.